5. Getting Started

Any software application requires some effort to learn. We’ve done our best to minimize the learning curve while making the process as enjoyable as possible. The first step is to install Trex, then read all the topics in this section.

5.1. Modules
    5.1.1. Module Architecture
    5.1.2. Directory Description
    5.1.3. Action Controllers Overview
    5.1.4. Configuration
    5.1.5. Invoking Modules
    5.1.6. Sharing data between modules
    5.1.7. Including other files
    5.1.8. Generators
5.2. Action Controllers
    5.2.1. Assigning default values to parameters
    5.2.2. Assigning keys to parameters
    5.3.1. Introduction
    5.3.2. Page Layout
    5.3.3. Loading module templates
    5.3.4. Adding CSS and JS files
5.4. Models
    5.4.1. Introduction
    5.4.2. Using Creole wrapper class
    5.4.3. Using Creole API
    5.4.4. Invoking Models
    5.4.5. Invoking Shared Models
    5.4.6. Getting Column Values
5.5. Helpers
    5.5.1. Introduction
    5.5.2. Loading Helper Files
    5.5.3. Using Helpers

Once you understand the basics you’ll be ready to explore the Class Reference page to learn to utilize the system components and helper files.